Every Sunday, from 10/23/2022 to 07/24/2022, 12:00 AM
Join us in Sunday school as Pastor Frye teaches on "Walking in a Newness of Life".
THOMAS MOOR, as a guide for the study.
Reviews on the Book:
C.H. SPURGEON'S SWORD & THE TROWEL had this to say about this long-buried gem first published in 1882: "These are no ordinary religious 'snatches,' in the form of daily portions for believers. The author's vessel does not hug the coast of ordinary experience, but launches out into the deep waters of confident trust, assured faith, and intense consecration. Every paragraph tells of an experimental fellowship with Jesus and a closeness of intercourse which fit it for becoming the guide and adviser of others. Certainly there is here no milk for babes, but strong meat for those who are of full age."
DR. JOEL BEEKE, President, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan, "Would you like to read a great book on genuine Reformed spirituality that provides wise counsel to assist you in growing in conformity to Christ and in your walk with the triune God? Read this book, use it as a daily devotional, and savor its wisdom for your soul’s good."
DR. TOM NETTLES just wrote the following: "In our consistent legalistic propensity to look to some degree of merit in our works in order for God to bless us with his pleasure and presence, we need a consistent reminder of the spiritual power and absolute sufficiency to be found in the death of Christ and the perfection of his righteousness. This mysterious author has done all of us a spiritual favor by holding our feet to the fire in recognizing that all spiritual blessings of whatever sort come to us only in Christ and his redemptive work."
FOOTSTEPS OF TRUTH had the following glowing words for this book: "This is a choice volume, by no ordinary scribe; a delightful combination of the good old Puritan Doctrine and advanced spiritual instruction, such as could be given only by one deeply imbued with the unction of the Holy One, resulting from a comprehensive grasp of Scripture teaching, extending over the wide field of doctrine and practice, and bearing upon the INNER and OUTER life of the children of God. The Index on the opening pages (see below) awakens an appetite which is fully supplied in the rich fare throughout the book; and it seems to us impossible that any believer can rise from its perusal without a deeper sense of his indebtedness to God for the riches of grace he is here so sweetly reminded of as being provided for all his necessities in relation to life, conflict and final victory. This is truly a book for the times, and we give it our strongest commendation, hoping that the entire edition may be speedily exhausted."
"This book is published, as its title indicates, for the use of believers--that is, for the use of all whose who, through grace, have been effectually led to see, in some measure, their position as sinners before God, and their deep need of salvation through the atoning death of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Its aim, through the gracious influence of the Holy Spirit, is to be helpful to them for their establishment in the full assurance of faith, in relation to their perfected and unchanging salvation in Christ; also to be useful to them in their conflict with indwelling sin; and to assist them in their endeavor to live a life of faith on the Lord Jesus, to walk in daily fellowship with Him, and to be at all times His faithful witnesses.
It purposely contains repetitions of Gospel statements; for, although the spiritual needs of believers are many and varied, there is but one great fountain of fullness for all, even the Lord Jesus Christ Himself; for 'the sum of all spiritual progress and spiritual life is--more of Christ in the mind, better to know Him--more of Christ in the heart, better to love Him, and to be more influenced by Him--more of Christ in the life, better to serve Him' (page 166).
Moreover, those who have been privileged to have much intercourse with believers in relation to their spiritual experience in all its varied stages, and in relation to the many mistakes and heart troubles they fall into, are well aware that spiritual truths which the believer had often thought about, without any apparent benefit, have, when presented to the mind in a different form, or in a different relationship, or at a different time, often has been made instrumental of much blessing through the gracious influence of the Holy Spirit.
The fifth part of this book (pages 252-398) contains three divisions of briefer thoughts and counsels. Each division contains thirty-one; so that those who find them helpful in their spiritual life, may use them daily for three months.
One paper in the second part, two in the third, the last two in the fourth, and about one-third of the fifth part, were published separately some years ago. They have been revised, and are now included in this volume.
May our gracious Father--the Father also of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ--grant that this attempt to be useful to His eternally-loved, but often much-tried children, may result in much glory to the name of Jesus, in their hearts and lives, through the effectual blessing of the Holy Spirit."
Thomas Moor, July 1881